importar mota de inglaterra

daniel cabeceiras

boas noites.

alguem sabe quanto custará importar uma mota de inglaterra, clássica ou não? custos de legalização, transportes etc

alguem tem alguma ideia ou experiencia nesse assunto?
o meu irmao podera adquirir uma mota de inglaterra, e dependente dos custos, importava a dita.

agradeço a vossa disponibilidade

bem haja!
a mota em questao no reino unido com full extras custa 7000 e tal, ca usada com ful extras custa 13000 e tal. a menos que quste quase 6000 ou mais compensa
hi Daniel,
desculpas, il fale o poucho Portugues, but I have been looking into this same question. I have found some good resources at the ACP website, as well as on this site


as I have learned by research, not experience, you do not pay taxes if you have owned the moto in the country of its origin for one year, but even if that is not the case, the taxes are not nearly as bad as with a car, just over 100 € if it is 750cc+ and less if smaller engine. there are still homologization issues (headlight and speedometer) to deal with, and some other minor red tape, but it is not as cost prohibitive as a car or truck.

hope this is some help! :)
Nathan Chapman disse:
hi Daniel,
desculpas, il fale o poucho Portugues, but I have been looking into this same question. I have found some good resources at the ACP website, as well as on this site


as I have learned by research, not experience, you do not pay taxes if you have owned the moto in the country of its origin for one year, but even if that is not the case, the taxes are not nearly as bad as with a car, just over 100 € if it is 750cc+ and less if smaller engine. there are still homologization issues (headlight and speedometer) to deal with, and some other minor red tape, but it is not as cost prohibitive as a car or truck.

hope this is some help! :)

Nice!! Thanks Nathan, it helped me :D good luck with your BMW ;)