Eu Backs Down Over Threat To Classic Cars

Mike S Silva

Uma notícia inglesa sobre mais uma medida que a comissão da UE queria tomar em relação a carros antigos, mas que foi retirada. A medida era que houvesse nas IPO um teste para verificar que TODAS as peças dos classicos fossem originais... a justificação era que viaturas de intresse histórico deviam conservar a herança historica da epoca em que foram construídos...
(Parece uma medida claramente saida da cabeça de algum colecionador milionario com contactos na UE que nem sequer anda nos carros que tem..)

The European Commission has backed down over plans which would have seen owners of classic cars being forced to take them off the road if they had been modified in any way.

Stephen Hammond, the roads minister, secured the deal in Brussels after hearing representations from car enthusiasts.

The Commission had drawn up plans for a “roadworthiness test” directive which would have required all components on a car to conform with those on the vehicle when it was first registered.

According to the EU document the move was justified because “Vehicles of historic interest are supposed to conserve heritage of the époque they have been built”

But it was feared this would create havoc, especially given the number of carmakers who have disappeared over the last 50 years.

This would have hit owners of classic marques, such as Alvis, Triumph, Wolseley and Sunbeam, which have long since disappeared – making spare parts almost impossible to find as a result.

The agreement means that UK testers will be given greater discretion to assess the roadworthiness of classic cars built after 1960. Historic vehicles built before that date are exempt from the MoT.
Mr Hammond has also persuaded the Commission to drop the requirement for more than one million caravans and trailers to undergo an MoT.
Had the EU pressed ahead with the original proposals it was feared this would cost Britain over £1 billion over five years. The modified version is likely to cost only £18 million.
Podes crer... foi o que eu pensei quando li no site da Classic & Sportscar.

Então os ingleses, que vivem os clássicos a sério, nunca na vida iriam ficar parados a assistir a uma bronca dessas... eles que até os vintage e edwardians modificam, e usam regularmente... ia ser bonito!

Isto mostra bem a quantos anos-luz nós estamos deles... especialmente no que toca ao activismo nestas áreas. Quando se falou naquela proposta de isentar os carros com mais de 30 anos de inspecções periódicas, eles passaram-se dos carretos, andava tudo maluco. Cá andamos a congratular-nos com a facilidade que isso nos iria dar, eles revoltam-se e preocupam-se com as consequências. Estamos bem longe... é uma tristeza.

Um abraço a todos!