I Meeting Nacional Tomcat - Figueira Da Foz


venho comunicar-vos com muito gosto ,a realizaçao do I meeting nacional tomcat portugal ,que tera lugar na figueira da foz a 2 de Junho do ano corrente.

somos amantes fervorosos dos rover coupe tomcat e como tal ,houve a necessidade de realizar este meeting ,pois os membros do clube estao a aumentar desde a sua criaçao em dezembro do ano passado.

nao e ainda considerado coupe ,mas ja tem um lugar nos futuros classicos ,visto ser um carro raro e visto tambem ter sido considerado por muitos o coupe mais elegante dos anos 90. a juntar a isto ,o triste facto da morte da rover...

com amizade me despeço!
esperançoso que se juntem a nos ,esperamo-vos!


Antes das 10H30 - Pessoal em Viagem

Entre as 10H30 e as 11H30 - Chegada dos Participantes do Encontro ao Parque

Entre as 11H30 e as 12H30 - Sessão Fotográfica com os Participantes e os Tomcats

12H30 - Saída do Parque em Direcção ao Restaurante

Entre as 13H00 e as 15H00 - Almoço no Restaurante Cubata

Entre as 15H00 e as 17H00 - Jogos e Brincadeiras (com os Tomcats)

Entre as 17H00 e as 18H30 - Pequeno Passeio Turístico com os Tomcats, com Sessão Fotográfica em Local a Determinar, e Lanche

Entre as 18H30 e as 20H00 - Aventuras no Kartódromo e Fim do Encontro! Despedida e Regresso a Casa

PS1: Atenção k isto é uma previsao, uma ideia do k vamos fazer e mais ou menos os tempos k demoram as actividades a serem efectuadas!

As "brincadeiras" aposto k voces vao gostar, nada de picanços nem piascas (ker dizer, nao nesta altura, mais tarde tnh de ver um certo coupe turbo a andar, eheh)

PS2: Kem kizer ficar pra noite, pra se divertir na noite da figueira, é livre de faze-lo, nao está comtemplado no programa, embora se alguem tiver ideias disso k avise pra se combinar caso alguem keira

para mais informaçoes :


É o modelo da foto? Tem alguns, poucos por cá, não sabia qual era a designação.

E caracteristicas do modelo?? :feliz:
e eu a pensar que um F14- Tomcat :gear_grin: :gear_wink2:

Não sabia que esse Rover tinha essa "alcunha".

Sim é um carro bonito, penso que foi com um desses que morreu o Rui ou Luis Filipe do FCP.

De qualquer maneira, apesar de não ter a idade é para mim um "clássico".

caros amigos!

em primeiro lugar ,o rui filipe nao morreu num rover sportcoupe ,mas sim num rover GTI...e quais as diferenças?bom ,a começar na estetica ,bem distinta ,por sinal ...acabando no motor.

o rover serie 200 sportcoupe ,tambem conhecido como tomcat ,saiu em portugal em 1993 com um objectivo claro :demarcar-se no fabrico de um coupe que fizesse concorrencia aos demais contemporaneos.
assim sendo ,duas versoes foram lançadas em portugal: o 216 sportcoupe e o 220 coupe turbo.
o primeiro ,possui um motor honda atmosferico catalizado com dupla arvore de cams 16 v.na altura era sem duvida um grande carro ,com 122 cv ,1600 cc e um binario de 145 atingido as 6800 rpm ,sendo o red-line entre as 7250 e as 8000.para os mais picuinhas ,trata-se de um D16A8.
o segundo ,vem com motor 2.0 DOHC 16 v rover turbinado.na altura era considerado o todo-poderoso dos automoveis batendo cerca de 32 recordes de velocidade ou nao tivesse ele 200 cv ,k o permitiam alcançar os 100 km/h em apenas 6,2 s.

o rover GTI e diferente...para alem de ser bem mais vulgar ,tem motor honda D16A9 .
ha kem diga k e identico ao de 122 do tomcat ,embora nao tenha cat.porem ,as diferenças mais significativas encontram-se na estetica.
o tomcat ou rover sportcoupe ,tem 3 portas ,vem com targa e para-choques especiais criados exclusivamente para este carro...alias ,ate costumo dizer...o rover sportcoupe esta para a rover assim como o 406 coupe esta para a peugeot.heheh.

o carro e o da imagem ...mas para esclarecer as duvidas entre o GTI e o sportcoupe ,aki fica...

um abraço!



imagem da cafezada de viana
@ Manuel Vieira de Castro

Desculpa e não querendo entrar num assunto "morbido" :gear_sad2: e não duvidando da minha memória fiz uma pesquisa e encontrei este link: http://novoforum.autohoje.com/archive/index.php/t-1471-p-6.html
procura o 3º tópico do dia 13-02-2006.

O acidente ocorreu perto da Vila da Feira, de madrugada e a morte foi originada por ele ter sido cuspido pelo "tecto de abrir", tendo a sua cabeça batido numa pedra.

Se bem que é possível uma pessoa ser cuspida pelo tecto de abrir, penso que o 220 permitia a remoção de dois vidros do tejadilho, logo ao minimo embate ou torsão violenta do chassis eles devem partir, facilitando o cuspimento de um corpo para fora do veiculo. Este facto, reforça ainda mais a minha teoria de ter sido num Sport coupé.

O Rui filipe era de Vale de Cambra e recordo-me por amigos de lá, que ele tinha esperado pela entrega do carro sendo o seu carro um dos mais potentes da zona. O que é tipico para um jogador de futebol em assenção:gear_wink2: e que reforça os 200 Cv do Tomcat e não ser um carro tão "banal" como o Rover Gti

De qualquer maneira, parabéns por esse magnifico automóvel.

Estima-o por que são raros.
@ Manuel Vieira de Castro

Já agora Manuel, e pela morte da Rover como afirmastes, como fica a questão da assistencia e peças?

Desculpa a minha ignorancia, sei que a Rover tinha sido comprado por um grupo (julgo chinês), mas sinceramente desconhecia a "Morte" da Rover.
Hoje realmente ao ver a cotação de carros novos na Turbo, a Rover já não existe.

A minha questão é que tenho um fascínio por um Rover SD1 sei que tem 3500cc, e está "esquecido" numa garagem e gostaria de o recuperar, mas agora fiquei com receio com as peças :gear_angry:

No teu caso e tendo tu um Rover como se está a processar essa questão!??

De certeza que as lojas de assistência devem ter stock minimo, deve haver um armazem central (tipo Mercedes que é em Espanha e normalmente passado 24h e desde que existem em stock, estão cá).

Um abraço!!!
Aqui fica a foto do modelo em questão


  • Rover_SD1_red_front.jpg
    41.9 KB · Vistos: 3
o ano passado tinha um turbo t top à venda e vendi-o sem saber que se chamavam tomcat! foi muito dificil de encontrar um comprador,pois nimguém se interessou pelo carro durante um ano, actualmente tenho outro para peças...se interessar alguém?força nisso.
dsculpa la o meu ekivco mas ja sei o k me escapou...e k muitas pessoas conheciam o tomcat por gti.parece k tens razao!obrigado plo reparo!

kto as peças ,nao ha lugar melhor para perguntar do k em www.mg-rover.pt.vu ou no grupo mg-rover.
contudo ,ha ainda peças principalmente nos centros de assistencia da mercedes !
se nao me engano ,ha uma ekipe de especialistas k esteve na FIL ,k e perita em arranjar peças para esses meninos!

parabens pla makina !envejo-te!!!!!

kuanto a historia da falencia ,fica aki uma ajuda

MG-Rover abre falência
15 de Abril de 2005

Dia triste para todos os entusiastas das duas marcas britânicas. Após uma crise financeira prolongada e várias tentativas de parcerias fracassadas, o único grupo automóvel totalmente britânico abriu hoje falência. Aqui fica o comunicado enviado à imprensa pela Phoenix Venture Holdings, proprietária da MG-Rover.

PVH Press Release
April 15, 2005

During the course of this past week the administrator, PWC, the Trades Unions, the DTI and members of the management team have explored every avenue aimed at avoiding today?s redundancy announcements.

Clearly, not enough progress has been made on this to provide comfort for the administrators, and for the DTI, to continue the payment process that began last week.

In May 2000, when Rover was saved from BMW?s liquidation process, a lot of people said that the business could not last for more than 14 months. The management and employees of MG Rover have defied those conventional predictions and worked tirelessly to create a positive result. Almost five years later, and within weeks of what we believe to be its natural long-term outcome, it is devastating to be stopped at the final hurdle.

In a meeting with the administrators this afternoon, the directors of PVH discussed whether any other possibilities, including use of PVH and personal assets, could provide a further mechanism to allow employees to continue to be paid. The conclusion of this discussion was that the best use of those assets would be to quickly realise their value for the benefit of the Trust established to benefit the families and dependants of the Longbridge workforce.

This will enable the initial Trustees, Carl Chinn and Nigel Petrie, to start providing financial assistance to the employees of Longbridge, and their families. We can also announce that the Bishop for Birmingham, has approached us, and has agreed to become a Trustee of that fund.

In addition to the many millions of pounds being made available for the Employee Trust, we are also committed to provide any other support that the administrators request in creating the best possible employment outcome for this business emerging from insolvency. Despite a concerted view to the contrary, we remain hopeful that car making at Longbridge is not at an end.

For all of us this is a desperately sad day. Our hearts go out to all of our employees, their families, and the local community, at this terrible time.

John Towers, Peter Beale, John Edwards, Nick Stephenson

Governo iraniano pretende comprar MG-Rover
25 de Abril de 2005

O governo iraniano vai apresentar aquela que será a primeira proposta para a compra da falida MG-Rover, numa clara tentativa de fazer destas duas marcas um grupo automóvel estatal.

Iran says it wants to revitalise MG Rover
April 25, 2005

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran said on Monday it was still interested in buying MG Rover, and hoped to breathe new life into the collapsed carmaker rather than just strip it of assets as one Iranian automaker suggested.

Britain's century-old carmaker, which once made sturdy Land Rovers and sleek MG sports cars, stopped production after failing to secure a rescue deal, an embarrassing blow to Prime Minister Tony Blair in the run-up to next month's parliamentary elections.

"Some talks have been held; we're now in the assessment stage to see what the ceding terms are," Iran's Minister of Industries and Mines, Eshaq Jahangiri, told reporters.

"We reckon our auto industry is capable of reforming a troubled European carmaker and churning out a car to world markets under the same brand," he said.

Iran Khodro, the Middle East's largest carmaker, has said acquiring Rover would not fit with its plans. SAIPA, Iran's second-biggest, has said it would be interested in salvaging parts from the British firm.

But Jahangiri said a full buy-out could still be on the cards, particularly if Iran were to team up with other Asian countries.

"I think Iran and China, and maybe India at a later stage, can manufacture some Rover parts in their countries," he told reporters.

Iran Khodro and China signed a contract on Sunday to jointly produce the Samand, Iran's new national car, in China.

After news broke on Friday about Iranian interest in buying the collapsed British firm, the conservative press voiced its objections, recalling what it called the "Talbot story".

In the late 1970s Iran bought the production lines to manufacture the boxy Paykan, formerly the Hillman Hunter made by the Talbot company.

"By buying that collapsed company then and transferring its outdated technology, Iran rescued the company, but held its auto industry back for 40 years," the hardline Kayhan daily wrote on Saturday.

Paykan production will end next month, the minister said.

Iran Khodro now has ambitious plans to produce a million cars a year by 2011 and has begun setting up factories in the Middle East, Africa and former Soviet states.

"This is not a story like the Paykan. I don't think they want to sell the production line for the car to be manufactured elsewhere," Jahangiri said, explaining Britain's priority would be protecting domestic jobs.

"The British government will be looking for someone who can re-launch Rover there (in Britain)," he added.

Jahangiri said Rover's research centre could still design cars after an Asian takeover. Some of the parts would then be produced in Iran, China and India before being assembled back in Britain under the Rover brand.

He said an Asian solution would bring down prices.

"It's Rover's best bet," he concluded.

Jahangiri did not comment on whether London's close relations with Washington, Iran's arch-foe, would present a political obstacle to any potential Iranian buy-out.


Martin Moseley apresenta proposta para aquisição da MG-Rover
18 de Maio de 2005

O multi-milionário Martin Moseley é o novo concorrente na corrida para a compra do grupo MG-Rover.

“I love Rover so much I'll buy the company”
May 18, 2005
By Jon Griffin, Evening Mail

MIDLAND millionaire Martin Moseley likes MG Rover so much he wants to buy the company!

The Hockley Heath haulage boss, who was once an apprentice at Longbridge, has tabled a 400 million dollar takeover bid for the entire car plant.

So keen is Mr Moseley on MG Rover cars that he owns eight of them himself and has banned any other make of vehicle from coming onto his company car park.

Today he claimed that if his bid was successful he would re-hire about 4,000 workers and rename MG Rover as the Crusader Motor Company.

The 50-year-old businessman says cash from a Taiwanese tycoon has been offered as security for the deal and claims he could relaunch volume car production at Longbridge within 45 days.

His legal adviser, Bearwood-based Fatema Patwa, confirmed a bid had been submitted to administrators PricewaterhouseCoopers in time for last Friday's deadline.

Mr Moseley, who is boss of Olton International Freight at Hockley Heath, said: "I have not got any ulterior motive. I do not want big salaries or big houses - I already have them. It's not impossible for an individual like me to take on this lot. My role is to get this company up and running and to get people to buy these cars. Longbridge is the last jewel in our crown, but the plant is slowly being chipped away and let go. I have got the money to buy the plant - 400 million dollars of it. I have come up with the money, there's nobody else who has been able to do that."

But Mr Moseley claimed his rescue plan was being blocked by PwC who had refused to meet him, despite assurances over the necessary cash guarantees.

"I am trying to buy this place and they are trying to stop it. I have got the money, but it seems I can't buy it. Why not? Am I supposed to sit back and say 'take Rover to Tehran?'"

His lawyer Fatema Patwa said: "We want to buy Rover intact, the whole of it. The bid is supported by a guarantee from a multimillionaire tycoon in Taiwan. That money will act as security for borrowings. The plan is to keep MG Rover cars in production until new models are brought in. They have accepted our bid but they want more information. We have not met the administrators face to face, but it is not for want of trying."

Birmingham historian and Phoenix Trust trustee Carl Chinn said: "The Moseley family has been involved in Midland business for 100 years - it is good to see them coming forward with these plans." Mr Moseley, who was today due to meet Advantage West Midlands chief executive John Edwards to discuss his plans, said he was convinced Longbridge had a future.

PwC spokeswoman Jenny Britton said: "We never comment on individual expressions of interest received - we are not in a position to do that."


Price Waterhouse Coopers dá a primeira conferência de imprensa
20 de Maio de 2005

A empresa Price Waterhouse Coopers concedeu a sua primeira conferência de imprensa desde que assumiu a administração judicial provisória da MG-Rover. No comunicado a empresa informa que está a avaliar propostas para a compra do grupo automóvel britânico.

PWC Press Release
May 20, 2005

MG Rover Group Limited and subsidiary companies (in administration) -update by the joint administrators-20 May 2005 20/05/2005 13:11

The joint administrators of MG Rover Group Limited asked potential bidders to provide proof of funds for their bids by the end of last week and have spent this week examining these. Interest in the MG TF sports car business has been narrowed down to three potentially viable proposals, which will now be explored in detail to see if one of these can be transacted, and discussions for the sale of the rest of the business and assets are continuing with two credible interested parties.

Rob Hunt, joint administrator and partner PricewaterhouseCoopers said:

“We are still discussing a sale of the rest of the business and assets with two credible interested parties. They are particularly concerned to understand what rights SAIC or other third parties have in physical assets at Longbridge and in the intellectual property rights. We can now provide them with a lot more positive information regarding these points as we have further examined the matter.”

“While there is still an outside possibility that some form of car production could recommence at Longbridge, the cost and complexity of the challenge should not be underestimated. Engine production would be a lesser, but still very demanding, challenge. The potential buyers are known to be looking at the alternative scenarios of continuing production at Longbridge or relocating it elsewhere.”

“While efforts to sell the business continue, we are progressively downsizing the support functions in order to further reduce costs. Around 400 people are still employed at MG Rover, helping us mothball the facilities and support car sales activities in the UK and Europe. A further 110 people are employed at Powertrain undertaking similar roles.”

“We will be posting letters to creditors early next week, notifying them of a meeting on 10 June at which we will report on the companies' affairs.”


Honda pondera compra da marca MG
24 de Maio de 2005

Uma delegação japonesa da Honda esteve este mês em Longbridge para tentar adquirir a marca MG, mas não o grupo MG-Rover. Não são conhecidos pormenores sobre as negociações entre o construtor japonês e a Price Waterhouse Coopers (empresa que administra provisóriamente a MG-Rover).

May 24, 2005

Autocar has been told that a Honda delegation from Japan paid a visit to part of of the closed Longbridge factory in mid-May. The delegation is said to have been accompanied by senior trade union officials.

Although there is no chance of Honda rescuing the defunct MG Rover operation, it is possible that Honda might have an interest in the MG brand itself. Despite years of trying, Honda has never had great success selling sports cars under its own name. Neither the NSX supercar or the S2000 roadster made a breakthrough in global markets. Indeed the NSX is said to have been inspired by the aluminium, mid-engined V6 Austin-Rover-built MG EX-E concept of 1986.

The same source revealed that MGR's paint shop is under orders to remain on standby by 'keeping the paint fresh', although there's no clue as far as to why.

Meanwhile, the German autopress is awash with rumours that MGR's erstwhile partner, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation, is set to move in on Fiat Auto.

Despite strong denials from Fiat, reports suggest that SAIC, possibly in tandem with other Chinese car makers, is set to try to take a stake in the Italian company this autumn. Fiat Auto has to repay a £2bn loan to six banks by this September, or it will be converted into shares, further diluting Fiat's autonomy. It's being suggested that Chinese makers could swoop and offer to inject the £2bn in exchange for a significant stake in Fiat Auto.

Manuel Vieira de Castro disse:
dsculpa la o meu ekivco mas ja sei o k me escapou...e k muitas pessoas conheciam o tomcat por gti.parece k tens razao!obrigado plo reparo!

He pá não tens que pedir desculpa!!! Estamos aqui para troca de informações, opiniões etc...

Se repares na minha idade:gear_wink2: quando o teu carro surgiu á venda, julgava-me eu o melhor piloto do mundo:feliz: e sempre gostei de carros "discretos", tipo M5, 190 2.5 16V, para não falar (já que estamos num site de clássicos) do Cooper S do meu tio:gear_cry2: (que o vendeu sem falar com o meu pai, pois ele comprava-o) e que não demonstram imediatamente o "coração" que tem.

Isso aliado a 200 Cv com o requinte dos carros ingleses o teu carro ficou-me na memória:gear_wink2: reforçado ainda mais pela morte do Rui Filipe:gear_roll:

Não sei se apareço no dia 2 Junho (a data coincide com a concentração Land Rover:huh: ), mas vou ficar atento, pode ser que até lá apareça com um Bristish de 57.

Com isto tudo, fizestes-me ficar atentoB) pois como disse o Moisés Trovisqueira, devem existir alguns por aí,que ninguém compra, podendo ser um bom €.

Aparece por Aveiro este FDS na Automobilia.

Mas uma vez estima esse carro e não caias na tentação de deixar alguns espertinhos a ver um TOMCAT em acção, mas que deve ser díficil deve:huh:
hehe!realmente e lindissimo ,mas o teu british e arrepiante!
n sei se sabes mas o senhor clarckson da topgear fez uma experienciazita com esse bichinho...
mal possa ,posto

e para homenagear a marca ,um miminho:


ja agora ,fica o teste ao 220...infelizmente so tenho a 1a parte



ah ,ja agora ,o encontro land rover n e na povoa?
lol eu sou da povoa pah! ;)pod ser k de pa combinar...

ps:dsculpem a seca ,mas kd s fala na rover ,fico alterado :P
