A VW e a Porsche que relação com a empresa REUTTER? E desta à RECARO!

Marco Pestana

MarcoSprint MarcoVW61
Despertou-me curiosidade o " Reutter 51 " que um amigo utiliza num fórum de VW´s, para a sua identificação...

Semelhante a esta placa:


A " chapa" estava num Porsche 1a serie.

Como é óbvio a carroçaria do carro que tinha essa placa foi produzido pela REUTTER, e de forma oficial da VW.

O Protótipo VW Type 1 contruído pela REUTTER:

"Professor Ferdinand Porsche had the prototypes of the VW Beetle constructed by Reutter. Also, after the war, the Porsche and Reutter companies worked closely together. The coach company Reutter became famous worldwide with the Porsche 356. Reutter was also active for BMW and the German Postal Service. The coach for the BMW 328 sports car was also produced by Reutter as well as coaches designed to meet the needs of the Postal Service."

"Porsche 356 “Convertible D” (1958), basicamente um Speedster com para-brisa maior, janelas laterais em vidro e outras melhorias. O “D” significa "Drautz", o fabricante da carroceria (as outras eram feitos por uma firma chamada Reutter)."

"Thanks to the Porsche model 356, Ferry Porsche founded the company's global reputation as a producer of successful sports and racing cars in 1948. In doing so, he used the same design principles that his father applied with the Volkswagen (air-cooled horizontally opposed engine in rear), and, at the same time, upheld the racing tradition that his father started in 1900 at the beginning of his career as a design engineer. 52 units of the Porsche model 356 were manually built at Gmünd.
In 1949, Ferry Porsche returned with the company to Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen in his capacity as General Manager. However, the former premises were still occupied by the Americans. Consequently, the first Porsche 356 was produced under makeshift conditions in the rented rooms of the car body company Reutter in spring 1950. Prior to this, Ferry Porsche concluded a forward-looking contract with Heinz Nordhoff (1899-1968), the General Manager of Volkswagen. The contract stipulated that the Volkswagen plant would supply the parts required for the sports car series. Furthermore, it set forth that the cars produced by the company would be sold via the sales network of the VW plant and be serviced by its service organisation. The Porsche company undertook to advise the Volkswagen factory on activities relating to design engineering."

A Reutter em funcionamento na época do Ferdinand Porsche...



MAs o mais interessante é que a empresa REUTTER, desde sempre ligada às principais marcas alemãs na construção de componentes e carroçarias...Deu origem à célebre RECARO!

Senão vejamos nos 100 anos da RECARO - inicialmente designada por REUTTER ( desculpem mas esta em inglês ):


From Saddler Master to Global Player.

The seat manufacturer RECARO celebrates the company’s 100th birthday in Stuttgart, April 2006.

The success story of the present RECARO company began in 1906 in Stuttgart, as the 32-year old saddler master Wilhelm Reutter founded the company “Reutter, Wilhelm, Saddler. Spezialitat: Luxus- und Motorwagen, englische Geschirre” (Specialities: Luxury and Motor Vehicles, English Ware). Reutter quickly made a name for itself in the up-and-coming automobile industry which was largely positioned in Stuttgart: Bosch, Maybach and Daimler were the big names which wrote history and laid the building blocks for the present location of mobility, Stuttgart.

The business of the saddler master flourished, and in 1910 the company signed with the firm name “Stuttgarter Karosseriewerk Reutter & Co” (Stuttgart Coach Factory of Reutter & Co). The young saddler master was innovative and open to new mobility. In his workshop in 1912, the patented Reutter Reform Coach was produced, which later was called the Cabriolet.

Reutter produced coaches for Daimler-Benz, Horch, and companies that have long been forgotten. Not to be forgotten were other icons of the automobile industry with whom Reutter was closely involved.

Professor Ferdinand Porsche had the prototypes of the VW Beetle constructed by Reutter. Also, after the war, the Porsche and Reutter companies worked closely together. The coach company Reutter became famous worldwide with the Porsche 356. Reutter was also active for BMW and the German Postal Service. The coach for the BMW 328 sports car was also produced by Reutter as well as coaches designed to meet the needs of the Postal Service.

The foundation for the present company was laid in 1963, as RECARO was formed as a play on words – Reutter and CAROsserien (coaches). The first RECARO sport seat was introduced in 1965, and in motor racing, the company quickly became a recognized brand name.

In 1969 RECARO joined with the Keiper company. Even today RECARO operates with headquarters in Kirchheim as an independent member within the internationally active Keiper Recaro Group, active worldwide in a total of 16 locations.

The spirit of the driven, innovative and creative company founder Wilhelm Reutter, appear to also be reflected in the production of automobile seats. In 1965, RECARO introduced the first seat worldwide with a lateral guide, and in 1968 the first seat worldwide with an adjustable shoulder support was introduced onto the market. RECARO redefined sitting in the automobile. Until then, seats in automobiles more closely resembled home seating, not offering any side support. Thus RECARO began a new age. The designers from RECARO entered into discussions with researchers from medicine, ergonomics, and biomechanics. There were crash tests, and the limits of loads on the human body were defined.

From this close and ever more intensive collaboration with universities and specialized physicians, a store of knowledge and experience was collected by RECARO which is surely unique worldwide. RECARO had answered the questions "How should people sit?" and "How is the body correctly supported?" early on:

1971 RECARO introduced the first seat with integrated seatbelt

1973 RECARO introduced a full shell made of sheet steel as a seat structure

1977 The track-breaking innovation in ergonomics was introduced with pneumatic lumbar support

1984 The first vehicle seat with bracing on both sides was introduced

1991 RECARO introduced a vehicle seat with asymmetrical adjustment as a worldwide innovation

1996 was the introduction of the first racing shell with head protection

2004 The lightest serially-produced seat in the world at that time was brought onto the market as the carbon shell seat of the Porsche Carrera GT

From Saddler Master to Global Player, RECARO, relocated in 1973 from the tight spaces of Augustenstraße in Stuttgart to Kirchheim, had positioned itself worldwide as the partner in the automobile industry who fulfilled the most difficult demands and who continues to re-invent the mobile seat through revolutionary innovations. Today, RECARO is the exclusive supplier for the top models of Porsche, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Audi, Opel, Ford, and Volkswagen. The hybrid lightweight seat developed by RECARO was adopted in series production for the VW Golf R 32 and the Audi RS 4.

At the Geneva Automobile Show in the beginning of March 2006, RECARO, in collaboration with the Swiss company Rinspeed, presented a prototype for an automobile seat made of a gel mass, which conforms perfectly to the body and perhaps one day will also be a reality. In the near future, RECARO appears to have a seat in development which will automatically adapt to any person, regardless if he is short, tall, thin or heavy, and always travels in the correct position. This is no longer a utopia"

Curiosamente a Reutter, como fabricante de componentes automóveis continua actualmente.

Todos nós decerto na garagem temos algo fabricado pela Reutter, a antiga " Reutter " ou a actual, ou sob a designação RECARO...

Ora vejam:

( Originalmente colocada no maior fórum VW refrigerados a ar nacional : GaragemVw.com )

Coloco o post com a resposta do amigo João, sobre esse assunto.

Ele sim, teve um Porsche lindissimo, como podem verificar pela mensagem:

"Marco, desculpa ainda não ter respondido a este tópico, mas já são tantos que me perco...

Acertás-te em cheio no porquê do meu Nickname, foi retirado do meu 1º Porsche que infelizmente por falta de €€ teve de ir embora, felizmente para um amigo aficionado e ainda mais maluco que eu por Porsches...

Era um Porsche de 1950 registado em '51, 356 Reutter Coupé Stromlinen Limousine, motor 1100cc de 40cv, igual ao que está em baixo nas fotos, (não tenho aqui fotos do meu). O meu foi um dos 400 encomendádos à Reutter pela Porsche já feitos em aço e moldádos à mão

Esse simbolo que meteste já é muito mais recente que o que estava na lateral do 356, que era esta:


Na descrição que fizeste da história da Reutter



agora essa da Reutter ter feito a Reccaro é que não sabia, realmente o conhecimento não ocupa espaço...



E agora digo eu:

Se o meu conterrâneo Cristiano Ronaldo, conjuga-se o poder de compra, com o "bom gosto" comprava era um destes 356 Split! :clap: :clap: :lol:

Simplesmente um clássico belíssimo!

Caros amigos;

Continuando esta interessante relação da REUTTER e da PORSCHE.

REUTTER Carrosserie-Werke - Fundada em 1906 por Wilhelm Reutter. ( continuando como uma empresa familiar )

Começou por construir as "carrosserie" durante os anos 20 do Séx XX. E desde 1930 iniciaram a produção também para os Volkswagen Beetle, e em 1949 a PORSCHE começou a usar as suas carroçarias nos seus carros desportivos.


Reutter Coachworks logotipo

Quando as operações foram transferidas para Estugarda, estas foram marcadas pelo início de um trabalho conjunto com os seus vizinhos - Começam a tornar-se o principal fornecedor das carroçarias PORSCHE por aproximadamente duas décadas, até ser absorvida pela própria PORSCHE - Assim actualmente pertence à PORSCHE.


Demorou algum tempo, e com certas reticências, para que os entusiastas dos Porsche, pudessem verificar, a superior qualidade dos trabalhos da REUTTER, e que podiam ser encontrados entre outros veículos de competição.

A Mão-de-obra da REUTTER era um exemplo de qualidade e dos acabamentos em geral, feitos com supremo profissionalismo.




Recaro logo.

Com os novos métodos de manufactura, o mercado para os produtores de carroçarias entrou em crise nos anos 50, e a REUTTER encontrou desta forma tempos difícies.

Em 1963 PORSCHE adquire a " REUTTER STUTTGART Coach Builder " e a sua fábrica.

E a antiga REUTTER muda o nome para " RECARO GmgH & Co " focando o seu negócio nas estofos desportivos de grande qualidade.

A Fundação da presente companhia em 1961, como RECARO foi formada jogando com as palavras REutter e CAROsserien ( Carroçarias ).

Os primeiros bancos desportivos automóveis foram produzidos em 1965, e na competição, e rapidamente o nome RECARO tornou-se um símbolo de uma marca de QUALIDADE!

A Companhia começou por produzir estofos para a PORSCHE, separando uma outra linha de produção de estofos, para Às outras marcas - aftermarket
Em 1969, a família REUTTER vendeu a sua parte a três companhias - Keiper, Huber & Wagner e Metzeler por problemas económicos.

Em 1983, Keiper comprou todas as acções da RECARO e estabeleceu a KEIPER RECARO GmbH & Co em Kirchheim ( Teck ) próximo de Esslingen am Neckar.

E tudo começou com o " avatar " do meu amigo "JoãoReutter51"! ;)

Entretanto alguém acompanha-me num café? Hehehe Nesta altura à noite a minha Ilha da Madeira, fica mais fresco...


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Marco Pestana

Marco Pestana

MarcoSprint MarcoVW61
Re: A VW e a Porsche que relação com a empresa REUTTER?

Sobre este tema "REUTTER"

Transcrevo o Excelente post colocado por um amigo , num outro fórum ( autoria nick "ZICO":



"Excelente tema este da Reutter/Recaro.
Já agora, se me permitem uma palavra para a família Jung que tem dedicado a vida à Reutter e publica a sua bíblia: Stuttgarter Karosseriewerk Reutter - von der Reform-Karosserie zum Porsche 356. ISBN: 3-7688-1829-2

A página do Frank:

http://www.frankjung.com "

Original: http://www.lehrenkrauscafe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=650&p=9136#p9136


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Nelson Rocha

o verdadeiro Mikael
sempre a nos ensinar...ehhehe... engraçado estas historias de nomes, compre e venda de empresas... ehehe